Category Data In/Out¶
Category Latino¶
Widget: Convert Corpus to XML String¶
Automatically generated widget from function SaveADCToXml in package latino. The original function signature: SaveADCToXml.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Output: XML String
Widget: Convert XML String to Corpus¶
Automatically generated widget from function LoadADCFromXml in package latino. The original function signature: LoadADCFromXml.
- Input: XML String (System.String)
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Get Plain Texts¶
Automatically generated widget from function GetDocStrings in package latino. The original function signature: GetDocStrings.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: TextBlock
- Parameter: Feature Condition (Condition which tokens to include based on their features. Format examples: -Feature1 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set ta any value) -Feature1=Value1 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set to the value Value1) -Feature1 +Feature2 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set unless it has also Feature2 set) -Feature1=Value1 +Feature2 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set to Value1 unless it has also Feature2 set to any value)...)
- Parameter: Delimiter for token concatenation (System.String)
- Parameter: Include Document Identifier (System.Boolean)
- Output: Texts
Widget: Load Document Corpus From File¶
This widges processes raw text file and loads the texts into ADC (Annotated Document Corpus) structure. The input file contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document. In case lines contain more document properties (i.e.: ids, titles, labels,...) than other widgets should be used to load ADC structure.
- Input: Raw Text File (Input Text File: Contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document.)
- Parameter: Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Load Document Corpus From String¶
This widges processes raw text file and loads the texts into ADC (Annotated Document Corpus) structure. The input file contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document. In case lines contain more document properties (i.e.: ids, titles, labels,...) than other widgets should be used to load ADC structure.
- Input: String (Input Text String: Contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document.)
- Parameter: Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Get Plain Texts¶
Widget transforms Annotated Document Corpus to string.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
- Parameter: Feature Annotation (Select a feature annotation.)
- Default value: Stem
- Parameter: Token Annotation (Select token annotation.)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Delimiter for token concatenation (Delimiter for token concatenation.)
- Default value:
- Parameter: Include Document Identifier (Include Document Identifier.)
- Output: Texts (String with all documents in Annotated Document Corpus.)
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Widget: Load Document Corpus¶
This widget processes input text and loads it into ADC (Annotated Document Corpus) structure. The input text contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document. In case lines contain more document properties (i.e.: ids, titles, labels,...) than other widgets should be used to load ADC structure.
- Input: Input (Input can be a string (str) or a file (fil).)
- Parameter: Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document (Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document.)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels (First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels.)
- Default value: false
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
- Example usage: Evaluation of POS 3-gram sequences in gender classification task
Widget: Load Document Corpus From String¶
This widget processes input text and loads it into ADC (Annotated Document Corpus) structure. The input text contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document. In case lines contain more document properties (i.e.: ids, titles, labels,...) than other widgets should be used to load ADC structure.
- Input: String (Input Text String: Contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document.)
- Parameter: Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document (Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document.)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels (First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels.)
- Default value: false
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
Widget: Load PTB Corpus¶
Loads corpus in Penn Treebank format with part of speech or lemma annotations. Corpus should be a directory with ptb or .txt files, or it could be just one file with one nested tupple per line. Bellow is an example of how the input format could look:
- (S
- (S
- (VP (VBG Making)
- (NP (NNPS Skittles))))
(NP (NN vodka)) (VP (VBZ is)
- (NP (DT a) (JJ fun) (NN way)
- (S
- (VP (TO to)
- (VP (VB add)
- (NP
(NP (DT a) (NN splash)) (PP (IN of)
- (NP (JJ fruity) (NN flavor)
- (CC and) (NN color))))
- (PP (TO to)
- (NP (JJ regular) (NN vodka))))))))
(. .)))
The widget returns a list of tokenized sentences with part of speech or lemma tags.
- Input: Input (input should be a zipped directory of files or a file)
- Output: PTB document corpus
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 2
Widget: PTB To ADC Converter¶
Convert PTB corpus to pseudo ADC corpus. Can be used after ‘Load PTB corpus’ widget.
- Input: PTB Document Corpus (Corpus in penn treebank format)
- Parameter: Annotation name (Give the name to the annotations from the Penn Treebank Format, for example, ‘POS Tag’ or ‘Lemma’. This annotation will be tagged in the ADC corpus under this name.)
- Default value: POS Tag
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 2
Widget: Search with Bing¶
This widget makes a web search query on the Bing search engine and returns a list of top k URLs.
- Parameter: Search Query (Search Query.)
- Parameter: Limit (Limit no of results)
- Default value: 50
- Output: List of URLs
Widget: Crawl URL links¶
This widget takes either a list of url links or a string, where each url is in a separate line. For every inputted url, the system crawls the page and extracts content using the boilerpipe library.
- Input: Input (Input can be a string (str) or a file (fil).)
- Parameter: Extractor Name (Extractor which is used for content extraction)
- Possible values:
- Article Extractor
- Article Sentences Extractor
- Canola Extractor
- Default Extractor
- Default Extractor
- Keep Everything Extractor
- Largest Content Extractor
- Default value: DefaultExtractor
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Label (label which is set to all documents)
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
Widget: Search with Faroo¶
This widget makes a web search query on the Faroo search engine and returns a list of top k URLs.
- Parameter: Search Query (Search Query.)
- Parameter: Limit (Limit no of results)
- Default value: 50
- Output: List of URLs
Widget: Load Document Corpus from MySQL¶
This widget processes input text from the inputed MySQL database and loads it into ADC (Annotated Document Corpus) structure.
- Parameter: DB Username
- Parameter: DB Password
- Parameter: Hostname
- Parameter: Database Name
- Parameter: Table Name (Tabel Name)
- Parameter: Title Column Name
- Parameter: Text Column Name
- Parameter: Label Column Name
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
Widget: Load Document Corpus From File¶
This widget processes raw text file and loads the texts into ADC (Annotated Document Corpus) structure. The input file contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document. In case lines contain more document properties (i.e.: ids, titles, labels,...) than other widgets should be used to load ADC structure.
- Input: Raw Text File (Input Text File: Contains one document per line - the whole line represents text from the body of a document.)
- Parameter: Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document (Text before the first tabulator [/t] represents the title of a document.)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels (First words in a line (after optional title) with preceding exclamation (!) present labels.)
- Default value: false
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
Category Triplet Extraction¶
Widget: Triplet Extraction Hub¶
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus
- Parameter: Annotation to be tokenized (Which annotated part of document to be splitted.)
- Default value: Sentence
- Parameter: Annotation to be produced (How to annotate the newly discovered tokens.)
- Default value: Triplet
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Output: Triplets (List of triplets from all documents.)
Category Document Corpus¶
Category Latino¶
Widget: Display Document Corpus¶
Automatically generated widget from function DisplayDocumentCorpus_PYTHON in package latino. The original function signature: DisplayDocumentCorpus_PYTHON.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: Statistics¶
Automatically generated widget from function CorpusStatistics in package latino. The original function signature: CorpusStatistics.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Output: Number of Documents
- Output: Number of Features
- Output: Statistics
Widget: Extract Feature¶
Automatically generated widget from function ExtractDocumentsFeatures in package latino. The original function signature: ExtractDocumentsFeatures.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: Extracted Feature Name (System.String)
- Output: List of Extracted Features
Widget: Add Feature¶
Automatically generated widget from function AddDocumentsFeatures in package latino. The original function signature: AddDocumentsFeatures.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Feature Values (Array of Labels) (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Parameter: New Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: feature
- Parameter: New Feature Value Prefix (System.String)
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Add Computed Feature¶
Automatically generated widget from function AddComputedFeatures in package latino. The original function signature: AddComputedFeatures.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: New Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: feature
- Parameter: New Feature Computataion (System.String)
- Default value: {feature2:name}{feature3}, {feature1:value}
- Parameter: Old Features Specification (Comma separated list of names of old features used in the ‘New Feature Computataion’.)
- Default value: feature1, feature2
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Add Set Feature¶
Automatically generated widget from function MarkDocumentsWithSetFeature in package latino. The original function signature: MarkDocumentsWithSetFeature.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: set
- Parameter: Feature Value Prefix (System.String)
- Parameter: Num of Sets (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Assign Sets Randomly (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Parameter: Use Seed for Random (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Random Seed (System.Int32)
- Default value: 0
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Split¶
Automatically generated widget from function SplitDocumentsByFeatureValue in package latino. The original function signature: SplitDocumentsByFeatureValue.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: Feature Condition (System.String)
- Parameter: Discard The Rest (The Filtered Out) (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Output: Filtered Annotated Document Corpus
- Output: The Rest of Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Extract Documents¶
Automatically generated widget from function ExtractDocuments in package latino. The original function signature: ExtractDocuments.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: List of Document Indexes to be Extracted (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Parameter: Discard The Rest (The Filtered Out) (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus of Extracted Documents
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus of the Rest of Documents
Widget: Merge Corpora¶
Automatically generated widget from function JoinDocumentsCorpora in package latino. The original function signature: JoinDocumentsCorpora.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus, LatinoInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Merged Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Add Feature¶
Add a feature to Annotated Document Corpus.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus
- Input: Feature Values (List of feature values)
- Parameter: New Feature Name
- Default value: feature
- Parameter: New Feature Value Prefix
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Display Document Corpus¶
Display Document Corpus widget displays ADC (Annotated Document Corpus) structure. It shows a detail view for selected document with annotations.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation
Widget: Extract Documents¶
Extract documents, given document indices, from Annotated Document Corpus.
- Input: List of Document Indexes to be Extracted
- Input: Annotated (Annotated Document Corpus.)
- Parameter: Discard The Rest (The Filtered Out)
- Default value: false
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus of Extracted Documents
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus of Extracted Documents
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Widget: Extract Feature¶
Extract documents features.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus.)
- Parameter: Extracted Feature Name
- Output: List of Extracted Features
Widget: Merge Corpora¶
Merge multiple Annotated Document Corpuses into one.
- Input: Annotated
- Output: Merged Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: NLTK Document Corpus¶
NLTK corpus readers. The modules in this package provide functions that can be used to read corpus files in a variety of formats. These functions can be used to read both the corpus files that are distributed in the NLTK corpus package, and corpus files that are part of external corpora.
Please see for a complete list. Install corpora using
Corpus has the following available functions: words(): list of str sents(): list of (list of str) paras(): list of (list of (list of str)) tagged_words(): list of (str,str) tuple tagged_sents(): list of (list of (str,str)) tagged_paras(): list of (list of (list of (str,str))) chunked_sents(): list of (Tree w/ (str,str) leaves) parsed_sents(): list of (Tree with str leaves) parsed_paras(): list of (list of (Tree with str leaves)) xml(): A single xml ElementTree raw(): unprocessed corpus contents
Parameter: NLTK Document Corpus Name (NTLK Document Corpus Name)
- Possible values:
- Brown
- Cess Esp (spanish)
- Floresta
- NPS chat
- Treebank
- Default value: brown
- Possible values:
Parameter: Corpus Chunk (Define the chunk of the corpus you want. You can define the chunk as percentage(e.g. ‘80%’) of the corpus you would like or you can define the number of sentences from the beggining of the corpus. For example, value ‘1000’ will return first 1000 sentences in the corpus.
You can also define the chunk you want to discard. For example ‘^80%’ will discard first 80% of the corpus and return last 20% of the corpus. ‘^1000’ will discard first 1000 sentences of the corpus and return the rest of the corpus.)
- Default value: 100%
Output: NTLK document corpus (NLTK document corpus name)
Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 2
Widget: Split¶
Split Annotated Document Corpus by conditions with features and values.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated )
- Parameter: Feature Condition
- Parameter: Discard The Rest (The Filtered Out)
- Output: Filtered Annotated Document Corpus
- Output: The Rest of Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Statistics¶
Statistics of Annotated Document Corpus.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus
- Output: Number of Documents (Number of Documents.)
- Output: Number of Features (Number of Features.)
- Output: Statistics (Statistics.)
Widget: Add Computed Document Features¶
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: New Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: feature
- Parameter: New Feature Computataion (System.String)
- Default value: {feature2:name}{feature3}, {feature1:value}
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Add Computed Token Features¶
For every annotation of the selected type generate an additional feature. Between { } a feature name can be entered and it will be replaced with its value.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: New Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: feature
- Parameter: Annotation Name (Add features to tokens of this type.)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: New Feature Computataion (Values for the new features. Between { } a feature name can be entered and it will be replaced with its value.)
- Default value: {Stem}_{POS Tag}
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
- Example usage: COMTRADE demo
Widget: Extract ADC Name¶
Returns a name od the ADC corpus.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Output: ADC Name
Widget: Extract NLTK Corpus Name¶
Returns a name od the NLTK corpus.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Output: NLTK Name
Category Tokenization¶
Category Latino¶
Category Advanced¶
Widget: Split Sentences Hub (Text)¶
Automatically generated widget from function TokenizeStringString in package latino. The original function signature: TokenizeStringString.
- Input: Text (System.Object)
- Input: Tokenizer (Latino.TextMining.ITokenizer)
- Output: Text
Widget: Tokenizer Hub (Text)¶
Automatically generated widget from function TokenizeStringWords in package latino. The original function signature: TokenizeStringWords.
- Input: Text (System.Object)
- Input: Tokenizer (Latino.TextMining.ITokenizer)
- Output: String
Widget: Max Entropy Sentence Splitter¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructEnglishMaximumEntropySentenceDetector in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructEnglishMaximumEntropySentenceDetector.
- Output: Sentence Tokenizer
- Example usage: Simple Document Preprocessing
Widget: Split Sentences Hub¶
Automatically generated widget from function TokenizeSentences in package latino. The original function signature: TokenizeSentences.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Tokenizer (Latino.TextMining.ITokenizer)
- Parameter: Annotation to be tokenized (Which annotated part of document to be splited)
- Default value: TextBlock
- Parameter: Annotation to be produced (How to annotate found sentences)
- Default value: Sentence
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: Max Entorpy Tokenizer¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructEnglishMaximumEntropyTokenizer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructEnglishMaximumEntropyTokenizer.
- Parameter: Alpha Numeric Optimization (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Tokenizer
- Example usage: Simple Document Preprocessing
Widget: Unicode Tokenizer¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructUnicodeTokenizer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructUnicodeTokenizer.
- Parameter: Filter (Latino.TextMining.TokenizerFilter)
- Possible values:
- AlphaLoose: accept tokens that contain at least one alphabetic character
- AlphanumLoose: accept tokens that contain at least one alphanumeric character
- AlphanumStrict: accept tokens that contain alphanumeric characters only
- AlphaStrict: accept tokens that contain alphabetic characters only
- None: accept all tokens
- Default value: None
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Minimal Token Length (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Output: Tokenizer
Widget: Regex Tokenizer¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructRegexTokenizer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructRegexTokenizer.
- Parameter: Regular Expression (System.String)
- Default value: p{L}+(-p{L}+)*
- Parameter: Ignore Unknown Tokens (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Ignore Case (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Multiline (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Explicit Capture (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Compiled (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Singleline (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Ignore Pattern Whitespace (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Right To Left (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: ECMA Script (System.Boolean)
- Parameter: Culture Invariant (System.Boolean)
- Output: Tokenizer
Widget: Simple Tokenizer¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructSimpleTokenizer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructSimpleTokenizer.
- Parameter: Type (Latino.TextMining.TokenizerType)
- Possible values:
- AllChars: equivalent to [^s]+
- AlphanumOnly: equivalent to [p{L}d]+
- AlphaOnly: equivalent to p{L}+
- Default value: AllChars
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Minimal Token Length (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Output: Tokenizer
Widget: Tokenizer Hub¶
Automatically generated widget from function TokenizeWords in package latino. The original function signature: TokenizeWords.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Tokenizer (Latino.TextMining.ITokenizer)
- Parameter: Annotation to be tokenized (Which annotated part of document to be splited)
- Default value: TextBlock
- Parameter: Annotation to be produced (How to annotate found sentences)
- Default value: Token
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Category Nltk¶
Widget: Line Tokenizer¶
Tokenize a string into its lines, optionally discarding blank lines.
- Parameter: Blank Lines (blanklines: Indicates how blank lines should be handled. Options are:
- discard: strip blank lines out of the token list before returning it.
- A line is considered blank if it contains only whitespace characters.
- keep: leave all blank lines in the token list.
- discard-eof: if the string ends with a newline, then do not generate
- a corresponding token
after that newline.)
- Possible values:
- discard
- discard-eof
- keep
- Default value: discard
Output: Tokenizer (A python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
Widget: Regex Tokenizer¶
The Regex Tokenizer splits a string into substrings using a regular expression.
- Parameter: Regular Expression (The pattern used to build this tokenizer.
(This pattern may safely contain capturing parentheses.))
- Default value: p{L}+(-p{L}+)*
- Parameter: Gaps (True if this tokenizer’s pattern should be used
to find separators between tokens; False if this tokenizer’s pattern should be used to find the tokens themselves.)
- Parameter: Discard empty (True if any empty tokens ‘’
generated by the tokenizer should be discarded. Empty tokens can only be generated if Gaps is set.)
Output: Tokenizer (A python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
Widget: S-Expression Tokenizer¶
S-Expression Tokenizer is used to find parenthesized expressions in a string. In particular, it divides a string into a sequence of substrings that are either parenthesized expressions (including any nested parenthesized expressions), or other whitespace-separated tokens
- Parameter: Parentheses ( A two-element sequence specifying the open and close parentheses
that should be used to find sexprs. This will typically be either a two-character string, or a list of two strings.)
- Default value: ()
Parameter: Strict (If true, then raise an exception when tokenizing an ill-formed sexpr.)
- Default value: true
Output: Tokenizer (A python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
Widget: Simple Tokenizer¶
These tokenizers divide strings into substrings using the string split() method.
Space Tokenizer - Tokenize a string using the space character as a delimiter, which is the same as s.split(‘ ‘).
Tab Tokenizer - Tokenize a string use the tab character as a delimiter, the same as s.split(‘t’).
Char Tokenizer - Tokenize a string into individual characters.
Whitespace Tokenizer - Tokenize a string on whitespace (space, tab, newline).
Blankline Tokenizer - Tokenize a string, treating any sequence of blank lines as a delimiter. Blank lines are defined as lines containing no characters, except for space or tab characters.
Word Punct Tokenizer - Tokenize a text into a sequence of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters, using the regexp \w+|[^\w\s]+
Parameter: Type (Select a tokenizer.
Space Tokenizer - Tokenize a string using the space character as a delimiter, which is the same as s.split(‘ ‘).
Tab Tokenizer - Tokenize a string use the tab character as a delimiter, the same as s.split(‘t’).
Char Tokenizer - Tokenize a string into individual characters.
Whitespace Tokenizer - Tokenize a string on whitespace (space, tab, newline).
Blankline Tokenizer - Tokenize a string, treating any sequence of blank lines as a delimiter. Blank lines are defined as lines containing no characters, except for space or tab characters.
Word Punct Tokenizer - Tokenize a text into a sequence of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters, using the regexp
.)- Possible values:
- Blankline Tokenizer
- Char Tokenizer
- Space Tokenizer
- Tab Tokenizer
- Whitespace Tokenizer
- WordPunct Tokenizer
- Default value: wordpunct_tokenizer
- Possible values:
Output: Tokenizer (A python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
Widget: Stanford Tokenizer¶
A tokenizer divides text into a sequence of tokens, which roughly correspond to “words”.
- Output: Tokenizer (A python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
Widget: Text Tiling Tokenizer¶
Tokenize a document into topical sections using the TextTiling algorithm. This algorithm detects subtopic shifts based on the analysis of lexical co-occurrence patterns.
- Parameter: Pseudosentence size (Pseudosentence size.)
- Default value: 20
- Parameter: Size (Size (in sentences) of the block used in the block comparison method. )
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Stopwords ( A list of stopwords that are filtered out (defaults to NLTK’s stopwords corpus). Example: the, a)
- Default value: None
- Parameter: Smoothing width (The width of the window used by the smoothing method.)
- Default value: 2
- Parameter: Smoothing rounds (The number of smoothing passes.)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Similarity method (The method used for determining similarity scores: Block comparison (default) or Vocabulary introduction.)
- Possible values:
- Block comparison
- Vocabulary introduction
- Default value: BLOCK_COMPARISON
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Cutoff policy (The policy used to determine the number of boundaries: HC (default) or LC.)
- Possible values:
- HC
- LC
- Default value: HC
- Possible values:
- Output: Tokenizer (A python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
Widget: Punkt Sentence Tokenizer¶
A sentence tokenizer which uses an unsupervised algorithm to build a model for abbreviation words, collocations, and words that start sentences; and then uses that model to find sentence boundaries. This approach has been shown to work well for many European languages.
- Output: Tokenizer (A python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
Widget: Treebank Word Tokenizer¶
- The Treebank tokenizer uses regular expressions to tokenize text as in Penn Treebank.
This is the method that is invoked by
. It assumes that the text has already been segmented into sentences, e.g. usingsent_tokenize()
.This tokenizer performs the following steps:
split standard contractions, e.g.
->do n't
->they 'll
treat most punctuation characters as separate tokens
split off commas and single quotes, when followed by whitespace
separate periods that appear at the end of line
>>> from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer >>> s = '''Good muffins cost $3.88\\nin New York. Please buy me\\ntwo of them.\\n\\nThanks.''' >>> TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize(s) ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in', 'New', 'York.', 'Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two', 'of', 'them', '.', 'Thanks', '.'] >>> s = "They'll save and invest more." >>> TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize(s) ['They', "'ll", 'save', 'and', 'invest', 'more', '.']
NB. this tokenizer assumes that the text is presented as one sentence per line, where each line is delimited with a newline character. The only periods to be treated as separate tokens are those appearing at the end of a line.
- Output: Tokenizer
Widget: Tokenizer Hub¶
Apply the tokenizer object on the Annotated Document Corpus (adc):
- first select only annotations of type input_annotation,
- apply the tokenizer
- create new annotations output_annotation with the outputs of the tokenizer.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Tokenizer (Python dictionary containing the Tokenizer object and its arguments.)
- Parameter: Annotation to be tokenized (Which annotated part of document to be splitted.)
- Default value: TextBlock
- Parameter: Annotation to be produced (How to annotate the newly discovered tokens.)
- Default value: Token
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Category POS Tagging¶
Category Latino¶
Category Advanced¶
Widget: POS Tagger Hub (Text)¶
Automatically generated widget from function PosTagString in package latino. The original function signature: PosTagString.
- Input: Text (System.Object)
- Input: POS Tagger (OpenNLP.Tools.PosTagger.EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger)
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: posTag
- Output: String
Widget: Max Entropy POS Tagger¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructEnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructEnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger.
- Parameter: Beam Size (System.Int32)
- Default value: 3
- Output: POS Tagger
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation
Category Nltk¶
Widget: CRF POS tagger¶
CRF part of speech tagger from CRFsuite
- Input: Training coprus (POS tagged corpus for training)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger)
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 1
Widget: NLP4J POS tagger¶
POS tagger from NLP4J
- Input: Training corpus (POS tagged corpus for training)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger)
- Example usage: POS tagger extrinsic evaluation in gender classification task
Widget: NLTK Corpus to ADC Format¶
extract tagged sentences in PTB format from NLTK corpus and convert it to ADC format.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Parameter: Annotation name (Give the name to the annotations from the Penn Treebank Format, for example, ‘POS Tag’ or ‘Lemma’. This annotation will be tagged in the ADC corpus under this name.)
- Default value: POS Tag
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Widget: NLTK maxent treebank tagger¶
Maxent treebank tagger from NLTK. It’s the tagger NLTK 2 uses when ‘nltk.pos_tag()’ function is called.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger )
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 5
Widget: NLTK perceptron tagger¶
Perceptron tagger from NLTK. It’s the tagger NLTK 3.0 uses when ‘nltk.pos_tag()’ function is called.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger )
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 1
Widget: Perceptron POS tagger¶
Greedy Averaged Perceptron tagger, as implemented by Matthew Honnibal with a fix that makes it not crash on 0 length tokens during training. The implementation is identical to the one implemented in NLTK 3.1.0 and later if you do not consider the fix.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger)
- Example usage: POS tagger extrinsic evaluation in gender classification task
Widget: Stanford POS tagger¶
Stanford POS tagger from coreNLP
- Input: Training coprus (POS tagged corpus for training)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger)
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 5
Widget: TNT POS tagger¶
TNT part of speech tagger as implemented in NLTK
- Input: Training corpus (POS tagged corpus for training)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger)
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 1
Widget: Tree Tagger¶
Tree Tagger by Helmut Schmid
- Input: Training coprus (POS tagged corpus for training)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger)
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 1
Widget: POS Affix Tagger¶
A tagger that chooses a token’s tag based on a leading or trailing substring of its word string. (It is important to note that these substrings are not necessarily “true” morphological affixes). In particular, a fixed-length substring of the word is looked up in a table, and the corresponding tag is returned. Affix taggers are typically constructed by training them on a tagged corpus.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Input: Backoff Tagger (A backoff tagger, to be used by the new tagger if it encounters an unknown context.)
- Parameter: Affix Length (The length of the affixes that should be considered during training and tagging. Use negative numbers for suffixes.)
- Default value: -3
- Parameter: Cutoff (If the most likely tag for a context occurs fewer than cutoff times, then exclude it from the context-to-tag table for the new tagger.)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Minimum Stem Length (Any words whose length is less than min_stem_length+abs(affix_length) will be assigned a tag of None by this tagger.)
- Default value: 2
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger object and its arguments.)
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: POS Brill’s rule-based Tagger¶
“”“Brill’s transformational rule-based tagger. Brill taggers use an
initial tagger (such as tag.DefaultTagger
) to assign an initial
tag sequence to a text; and then apply an ordered list of
transformational rules to correct the tags of individual tokens.
These transformation rules are specified by the BrillRule
Brill taggers can be created directly, from an initial tagger and
a list of transformational rules; but more often, Brill taggers
are created by learning rules from a training corpus, using either
or FastBrillTaggerTrainer
Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
Input: Initial Tagger (The initial tagger. Brill taggers use an initial tagger (such as
) to assign an initial tag sequence to a text.)Parameter: Max Rules (The maximum number of transformations to be created)
- Default value: 200
Parameter: Min Score (The minimum acceptable net error reduction that each transformation must produce in the corpus.)
- Default value: 2
Parameter: Templates (Templates to be used in training TODO: meaning?!
Options: - nltkdemo18:
Return 18 templates, from the original nltk demo, in multi-feature syntax
- nltkdemo18plus:
- Return 18 templates, from the original nltk demo, and additionally a few multi-feature ones (the motivation is easy comparison with nltkdemo18)
- brill24:
- Return 24 templates of the seminal TBL paper, Brill (1995)
- fntbl37:
- Return 37 templates taken from the postagging task of the fntbl distribution (37 is after excluding a handful which do not condition on Pos[0]; fntbl can do that but the current nltk implementation cannot.))
- Possible values:
- brill24
- fntbl37
- nltkdemo18
- nltkdemo18plus
- Default value: brill24
Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger object and its arguments.)
Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: POS Classifier-based Tagger¶
A sequential tagger that uses a classifier to choose the tag for each token in a sentence. The featureset input for the classifier is generated by a feature detector function:
feature_detector(tokens, index, history) -> featureset
Where tokens is the list of unlabeled tokens in the sentence; index is the index of the token for which feature detection should be performed; and history is list of the tags for all tokens before index.
Construct a new classifier-based sequential tagger.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Input: Backoff Tagger (A backoff tagger, to be used by the new tagger if it encounters an unknown context.)
- Input: Classifier (The classifier that should be used by the tagger. This is useful if you want to use a manually constructed classifier for POS tagging.)
- Parameter: Cutoff Probability (If specified, then this tagger will fall back on its backoff tagger if the probability of the most likely tag is less than cutoff_prob.)
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger object and its arguments.)
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: POS Default Tagger¶
A tagger that assigns the same tag to every token.
>>> from nltk.tag.sequential import DefaultTagger
>>> default_tagger = DefaultTagger('NN')
>>> default_tagger.tag('This is a test'.split())
[('This', 'NN'), ('is', 'NN'), ('a', 'NN'), ('test', 'NN')]
This tagger is recommended as a backoff tagger, in cases where a more powerful tagger is unable to assign a tag to the word (e.g. because the word was not seen during training).
- Parameter: Default tag (The default tag “-None-”. Set this to a different tag, such as “NN”, to change the default tag.)
- Default value: -None-
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger object and its arguments.)
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: POS N-gram Tagger¶
A tagger that chooses a token’s tag based on its word string and on the preceding n word’s tags. In particular, a tuple (tags[i-n:i-1], words[i]) is looked up in a table, and the corresponding tag is returned. N-gram taggers are typically trained on a tagged corpus.
Train a new NgramTagger using the given training data or the supplied model. In particular, construct a new tagger whose table maps from each context (tag[i-n:i-1], word[i]) to the most frequent tag for that context. But exclude any contexts that are already tagged perfectly by the backoff tagger.
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Input: Backoff Tagger (A backoff tagger, to be used by the new tagger if it encounters an unknown context.)
- Parameter: N-gram (N-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech.)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Cutoff (If the most likely tag for a context occurs fewer than cutoff times, then exclude it from the context-to-tag table for the new tagger.)
- Default value: 0
- Output: POS Tagger (A python dictionary containing the POS tagger object and its arguments.)
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: Display Annotation Statistics¶
Display statistics for specific annotation or annotation sequence in ADC corpus. Widget shows annotations ranked by frequency, PMI and chi square and the scores they achieved.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Parameter: Statistic type (Choose what kind of statistics you would like to show)
- Possible values:
- Chi square test
- frequency
- PMI of bigrams
- PMI of trigrams
- Default value: frequency
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Annotation name (Choose annotation)
- Default value: Token/POS Tag
- Parameter: N-gram (Choose what kind of n-gram features you would like to score.)
- Possible values:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- Default value: 1
- Possible values:
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
- Example usage: Evaluation of POS 3-gram sequences in gender classification task
Widget: POS Tagger Evaluator¶
This widgets can be used to evaluate NLTK POS taggers. Inputs are POS tagger and golden standard corpus
- Input: POS Tagger (OpenNLP.Tools.PosTagger.EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger)
- Input: PTB Document Corpus (Corpus in penn treebank format)
- Output: Actual and predicted labels (List of actual and predicted labels (see help for details))
Widget: POS Tagger Hub¶
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: POS Tagger (OpenNLP.Tools.PosTagger.EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger)
- Parameter: Sentence’s Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Sentence
- Parameter: Element’s Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: POS Tag
- Parameter: Take first k letters from POS tag
- Possible values:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- all
- Default value: -1
- Possible values:
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
- Example usage: download_adc_annotations_as_csv
Widget: Extract POS Tagger Name¶
Returns a string with pretty POS tagger name.
- Input: POS Tagger
- Output: POS Tagger Name
Category Bag of Words¶
Category Latino¶
Category Advanced¶
Widget: Construct BOW Model (Text)¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructBowSpace in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructBowSpace.
- Input: Textual Documents (Array of strings) (System.Object)
- Input: Tokenizer (Latino.TextMining.ITokenizer)
- Input: Stemmer or Lemmatizer (Tagger) (Latino.TextMining.IStemmer)
- Input: Stopwords (Array of Stopwords) (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Parameter: Maximum N-Gram Length (System.Int32)
- Default value: 2
- Parameter: Minimum Word Freqency (System.Int32)
- Default value: 5
- Parameter: Word Weighting Type (Latino.TextMining.WordWeightType)
- Possible values:
- Log Df Tf Idf
- Term Freq
- Tf Idf
- Tf Idf Safe
- Default value: TfIdf
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Cut Low Weights Percentage (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.2
- Parameter: Normalize Vectors (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Bag of Words Model
- Output: Dataset
Widget: Get Terms¶
Automatically generated widget from function GetVocabulary in package latino. The original function signature: GetVocabulary.
- Input: BOW Model (Latino.TextMining.BowSpace)
- Parameter: Index of First Retrieved Word (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Maximum Words Retrieved (Use 0 for no limit.)
- Default value: 0
- Output: Terms
Widget: Process New Documents (Text)¶
Automatically generated widget from function ProcessNewDocumentsFromString in package latino. The original function signature: ProcessNewDocumentsFromString.
- Input: Documents = (Nested) List of Strings (System.Object)
- Input: Bag of Words Model (Latino.TextMining.BowSpace)
- Output: Dataset
Widget: Create Term Dataset¶
Automatically generated widget from function CreateTermDatasetFromAdc in package latino. The original function signature: CreateTermDatasetFromAdc.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Bag of Words Model (Latino.TextMining.BowSpace)
- Output: Term Dataset
Widget: Construct BOW Model and Dataset¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructBowSpace in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructBowSpace.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Stem Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stem
- Parameter: Stopword Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stopword
- Parameter: Label Document Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: label
- Parameter: Maximum N-Gram Length (System.Int32)
- Default value: 2
- Parameter: Minimum Word Freqency (System.Int32)
- Default value: 5
- Parameter: Word Weighting Type (Latino.TextMining.WordWeightType)
- Possible values:
- Log Df Tf Idf
- Term Freq
- Tf Idf
- Tf Idf Safe
- Default value: TfIdf
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Cut Low Weights Percentage (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.2
- Parameter: Normalize Vectors (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Bag of Words Model
- Output: Dataset
Widget: Parse Document Corpus¶
Automatically generated widget from function ParseDocuments in package latino. The original function signature: ParseDocuments.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Bag of Words Model (Latino.TextMining.BowSpace)
- Output: Parsed Document Corpus
Widget: Get Vocabulary Table¶
Automatically generated widget from function GetVocabularyTable in package latino. The original function signature: GetVocabularyTable.
- Input: Bag of Words Model (Latino.TextMining.BowSpace)
- Parameter: Index of First Retrieved Word (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Maximum Words Retrieved (System.Int32)
- Default value: 500
- Output: Vocabulary Table
Widget: Create Dataset¶
Automatically generated widget from function ProcessNewDocumentsFromADC in package latino. The original function signature: ProcessNewDocumentsFromADC.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Bag of Words Model (Latino.TextMining.BowSpace)
- Output: Dataset
Widget: Construct BOW Model¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructBowModel in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructBowModel.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Stem Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stem
- Parameter: Stopword Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stopword
- Parameter: Label Document Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: label
- Parameter: Maximum N-Gram Length (System.Int32)
- Default value: 2
- Parameter: Minimum Word Freqency (System.Int32)
- Default value: 5
- Parameter: Word Weighting Type (Latino.TextMining.WordWeightType)
- Possible values:
- Log Df Tf Idf
- Term Freq
- Tf Idf
- Tf Idf Safe
- Default value: TfIdf
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Cut Low Weights Percentage (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.2
- Parameter: Normalize Vectors (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Bag of Words Model
Widget: Construct BoW Dataset and BoW Model Constructor¶
The Construct BoW Dataset and BoW Model Constructor widget takes as an input an ADC data object and generates a sparse BoW model dataset (which can be then handed to i.e. a classifier). The widget takes as an input also several user defined parameters, such as weighting type, minimum word frequency, ngram length ...
Besides the sparse BoW model dataset this widget also outputs a BowModelConstructor instance. This additional object contains settings which allow repetition of the feature construction steps on another document corpus. These settings include the inputted parameters, as well as the learned term weights and vocabulary.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Controlled Vocabulary (List of terms which will be used for building the vocabulary. Parameter ‘Maximum N-gram Length’ from in this widget is also applied to the vocabulary. The final vocabulary is the intersection of the controlled vocabulary and the dataset vocabulary.)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (This is the type of Annotation instances, which mark parts of the document (e.g., words, sentences or a terms), which will be used for generating the vocabulary and the dataset.)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Feature Name (If present, the model will be constructed out of annotations’ feature values instead of document text. For example, this is useful when we wish build the BoW model using stems instead of the original word forms.)
- Default value: Stem
- Parameter: Stopword Feature Name (This is an annotation feature name which was used to tag tokens as stop words. These tokens will be excluded from the BoW representational model. If blank, no stop words will be used.)
- Default value: StopWord
- Parameter: Label Document Feature Name (This is the name of the document feature which will be used for class labeling examples in the dataset. If blank, the generated sparse dataset will be unlabeled.)
- Default value: Labels
- Parameter: Maximum N-Gram Length (The upper boundary of the range of n-values for different n-grams to be extracted. All values of n such that 1 <= n <= max_ngram will be used.)
- Default value: 2
- Parameter: Minimum Word Freqency (When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a term frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. This value is also called cut-off in the literature.)
- Default value: 5
- Parameter: Word Weighting Type (The user can select among various weighting models for assigning weights to features)
- Possible values:
- Log Df TF-IDF
- Term Frequency
- TF-IDF Safe
- Default value: tf_idf
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Cut Low Weights Percentage (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.2
- Parameter: Normalize Vectors (The weighting methods can be further modified by vector normalization. If the user opts to use it in TextFlows the L2 regularization is performed.)
- Default value: true
- Output: Bag of Words Model Constructor (Bag of Words Model Constructor (BowModelConstructor) gathers utilities to build feature vectors from annotated document corpus.)
- Output: BOW Model Dataset (Sparse BOW feature vectors.)
- Example usage: Outlier document detection
Widget: Construct BoW Model Constructor¶
The Construct BoW Dataset and BoW Model Constructor widget takes as an input an ADC data object and generates a BowModelConstructor instance. This object contains settings which allow repetition of the feature construction steps on another document corpus. These settings include the inputted parameters, as well as the learned term weights and vocabulary. The widget takes as an input also several user defined parameters, such as weighting type, minimum word frequency, ngram length ...
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Controlled Vocabulary (List of terms which will be used for building the vocabulary. Parameter ‘Maximum N-gram Length’ from in this widget is also applied to the vocabulary. The final vocabulary is the intersection of the controlled vocabulary and the dataset vocabulary.)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (This is the type of Annotation instances, which mark parts of the document (e.g., words, sentences or a terms), which will be used for generating the vocabulary and the dataset.)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Feature Name (If present, the model will be constructed out of annotations’ feature values instead of document text. For example, this is useful when we wish build the BoW model using stems instead of the original word forms.)
- Default value: Stem
- Parameter: Stopword Feature Name (This is an annotation feature name which was used to tag tokens as stop words. These tokens will be excluded from the BoW representational model. If blank, no stop words will be used.)
- Default value: StopWord
- Parameter: Label Document Feature Name (This is the name of the document feature which will be used for class labeling examples in the dataset. If blank, the generated sparse dataset will be unlabeled.)
- Default value: Labels
- Parameter: Maximum N-Gram Length (The upper boundary of the range of n-values for different n-grams to be extracted. All values of n such that 1 <= n <= max_ngram will be used.)
- Default value: 2
- Parameter: Minimum Word Freqency (When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a term frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. This value is also called cut-off in the literature.)
- Default value: 5
- Parameter: Word Weighting Type (The user can select among various weighting models for assigning weights to features)
- Possible values:
- Log Df TF-IDF
- Term Frequency
- TF-IDF Safe
- Default value: tf_idf
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Cut Low Weights Percentage (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.2
- Parameter: Normalize Vectors (The weighting methods can be further modified by vector normalization. If the user opts to use it in TextFlows the L2 regularization is performed.)
- Default value: true
- Output: Bag of Words Model Constructor (Bag of Words Model Constructor (BowModelConstructor) gathers utilities to build feature vectors from annotated document corpus.)
Widget: Create BoW Dataset using the BoW Model Constructor¶
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Bag of Words Model Constructor (Latino.TextMining.BowSpace)
- Output: BOW Model Dataset (Sparse BOW feature vectors.)
Category Chunking¶
Category Nltk¶
Widget: N-gram Chunker¶
- Input: Training Corpus (A tagged corpus included with NLTK, such as treebank, brown, cess_esp, floresta, or an Annotated Document Corpus in the standard TextFlows’ adc format)
- Input: Backoff Chunker (A backoff chunker, to be used by the new chunker if it encounters an unknown context.)
- Parameter: N-gram (N-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech.)
- Default value: 1
- Output: Chunker (A python dictionary containing the Chunker object and its arguments.)
Widget: Regex Chunker¶
A grammar based chunk parser. chunk.RegexpParser
uses a set of
regular expression patterns to specify the behavior of the parser.
The chunking of the text is encoded using a ChunkString
, and
each rule acts by modifying the chunking in the ChunkString
The rules are all implemented using regular expression matching
and substitution.
A grammar contains one or more clauses in the following form:
{<DT|JJ>} # chunk determiners and adjectives
}<[\.VI].*>+{ # chink any tag beginning with V, I, or .
<.*>}{<DT> # split a chunk at a determiner
<DT|JJ>{}<NN.*> # merge chunk ending with det/adj
# with one starting with a noun
The patterns of a clause are executed in order. An earlier pattern may introduce a chunk boundary that prevents a later pattern from executing. Sometimes an individual pattern will match on multiple, overlapping extents of the input. As with regular expression substitution more generally, the chunker will identify the first match possible, then continue looking for matches after this one has ended.
The clauses of a grammar are also executed in order. A cascaded chunk parser is one having more than one clause. The maximum depth of a parse tree created by this chunk parser is the same as the number of clauses in the grammar.
- Parameter: Grammar (Grammar: a set of regular expression patterns to specify the behavior of the parser)
- Default value: NP: {<DT>? <JJ>* <NN>*} # NP
P: {<IN>} # Preposition V: {<V.*>} # Verb PP: {<P> <NP>} # PP -> P NP VP: {<V> <NP|PP>*} # VP -> V (NP|PP)* * Output: Chunker (A python dictionary containing the Chunker object and its arguments.)
Widget: Chunking Hub¶
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Chunker (Chunker which will be used to parse the text into chunks.)
- Parameter: Sentence’s Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Sentence
- Parameter: Element’s Annotation (Tokens which feature’s will be used for tagging.)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: POS Feature Name (Element Annotations’ POS Tag Feature Names )
- Default value: POS Tag
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: IOB Tag
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
Widget: Extract Annotations from IOB tags¶
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Parameter: Sentence’s Annotation (Tokens which will be used to group element annotations.)
- Default value: Sentence
- Parameter: Element’s Annotation (Tokens which feature’s will be used in extraction.)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: IOB Feature Name (Element Annotations’ IOB Tag Feature Names )
- Default value: IOB Tag
- Parameter: POS Feature Name (Element Annotations’ POS Tag Feature Names )
- Default value: POS Tag
- Parameter: Grammar Labels to be extracted (Grammar labels which will be extracted from the text as new annotations (NP,PP,VP), separated by a comma. NP - noun phrases, VP - verb phrases.)
- Default value: NP,VP
- Parameter: Annotation to be produced (The prefix for annotation of newly discovered tokens. Annotations names will be constructed as a combinations of this prefix and the label type e.x. “Chunk_NP”)
- Default value: Chunk
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
Category Stemming¶
Category Latino¶
Category Advanced¶
Widget: Stemming Tagger Hub (Text)¶
Automatically generated widget from function TagStringStemLemma in package latino. The original function signature: TagStringStemLemma.
- Input: Text (System.Object)
- Input: Token Tagger (System.Object)
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stem
- Output: String (string or array of strings (based on the input))
Widget: Lemma Tagger LemmaGen¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructLemmaSharpLemmatizer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructLemmaSharpLemmatizer.
- Parameter: Language (Latino.TextMining.Language)
- Possible values:
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- English
- Estonian
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Romanian
- Serbian
- Slovene
- Spanish
- Default value: English
- Possible values:
- Output: Lemmatizer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Stem Tagger Snowball¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructSnowballStemmer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructSnowballStemmer.
- Parameter: Language (Latino.TextMining.Language)
- Possible values:
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Default value: English
- Possible values:
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Stemming Tagger Hub¶
Taggs the given annotated document corpus with the given tagger.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Token Tagger (Token Annotation of the token to be tagged. If also the feature name is used than the feature value of selected token will be tagged. Usage: 1. TokenName 2. TokenName/FeatureName If multiple taggers are used then one line per tagger must be specified.)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stem
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Category Nltk¶
Widget: ISRI Stemmer¶
ISRI Arabic stemmer based on algorithm: Arabic Stemming without a root dictionary. Information Science Research Institute. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. A few minor modifications have been made to ISRI basic algorithm.
See the source code of this module for more information. isri.stem(token) returns Arabic root for the given token. The ISRI Stemmer requires that all tokens have Unicode string types. If you use Python IDLE on Arabic Windows you have to decode text first using Arabic ‘1256’ coding.
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Regex Stemmer¶
A stemmer that uses regular expressions to identify morphological affixes. Any substrings that match the regular expressions will be removed.
- Parameter: Pattern (The regular expression that should be used to
- identify morphological affixes.)
- Parameter: Minimum length of string (The minimum length of string to stem.)
- Default value: 0
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
Widget: RSLP Stemmer¶
A stemmer for Portuguese.
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Snowball Stemmer¶
- The following languages are supported:
Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
The algorithm for English is documented here: Porter, M. “An algorithm for suffix stripping.” Program 14.3 (1980): 130-137.
The algorithms have been developed by Martin Porter. These stemmers are called Snowball, because Porter created a programming language with this name for creating new stemming algorithms. There is more information available at
- Parameter: Language (The following languages are supported: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.)
- Possible values:
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Default value: danish
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Ignore stopwords (If set to True, stopwords are
- not stemmed and returned unchanged. Set to False by default.)
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Default Lemmatizer¶
Default Lemmatizer
Lemmatizer that can be used as a baseline. Does not do anything, returns word unchanged.
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer extrinsic evaluation
Widget: Lemmagen Lemmatizer¶
Lemmagen lemmatizer as implemented in Python
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Intrinsic lemmatizer evaluation
Widget: Pattern Lemmatizer¶
Pattern Lemmatizer
Lemmatize using Pattern’s library built-in stem function.
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer extrinsic evaluation
Widget: Pattern Porter Stemmer¶
Porter stemmer from Pattern library.
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer extrinsic evaluation
Widget: WordNet Lemmatizer¶
WordNet Lemmatizer
Lemmatize using WordNet’s built-in morphy function. Returns the input word unchanged if it cannot be found in WordNet.
- Parameter: POS Annotation (Define the name of the part of speech annotations form ADC corpus that wordnet lemmatizer will use when trying to lemmatize words.)
- Default value: POS Tag
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Lancaster Stemmer¶
A word stemmer based on the Lancaster stemming algorithm.
>>> from import LancasterStemmer
>>> st = LancasterStemmer()
>>> st.stem('maximum') # Remove "-um" when word is intact
>>> st.stem('presumably') # Don't remove "-um" when word is not intact
>>> st.stem('multiply') # No action taken if word ends with "-ply"
>>> st.stem('provision') # Replace "-sion" with "-j" to trigger "j" set of rules
>>> st.stem('owed') # Word starting with vowel must contain at least 2 letters
>>> st.stem('ear') # ditto
>>> st.stem('saying') # Words starting with consonant must contain at least 3
>>> st.stem('crying') # letters and one of those letters must be a vowel
>>> st.stem('string') # ditto
>>> st.stem('meant') # ditto
>>> st.stem('cement') # ditto
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Porter Stemmer¶
This is the Porter stemming algorithm, ported to Python from the version coded up in ANSI C by the author. It follows the algorithm presented in
Porter, M. “An algorithm for suffix stripping.” Program 14.3 (1980): 130-137.
only differing from it at the points marked –DEPARTURE– and –NEW– below.
For a more faithful version of the Porter algorithm, see
- Output: Stemmer (Tagger)
- Example usage: Stemmer and Lemmatizer classification evaluation
Widget: Lemmatizer Evaluator¶
This widgets can be used to evaluate lemmatizers. Inputs are lemmatizer and a corpus on which you wish to evaluate lemmatizer
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Lemmatizer (Lemmatizer to be avaluated)
- Output: Actual and predicted labels (List of actual and predicted labels (see help for details))
Widget: Stem/Lemma Tagger Hub¶
Taggs the given annotated document corpus with the given tagger.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Token Tagger (Token Annotation of the token to be tagged. If also the feature name is used than the feature value of selected token will be tagged. Usage: 1. TokenName 2. TokenName/FeatureName If multiple taggers are used then one line per tagger must be specified.)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: POS Annotation (Name of Part of Speech annotation in ADC corpus if ADC corpus contains part of speech tags. Used by wordnet lemmatizer which uses POS tags for lemma prediction.)
- Default value: POS Tag
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: Stem
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Category Chunking¶
Widget: Chunking Hub¶
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Chunker (TODO)
- Parameter: Input Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: POS Tag
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: Chunk
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
Widget: Regex parser¶
- Parameter: Grammar (System.String)
- Default value: “NP: {<DT>?<JJ>*<NN>}”
- Output: regex chunker
Category Dataset¶
Category Latino¶
Widget: Add Labels¶
Automatically generated widget from function AddLabelsToDocumentVectors in package latino. The original function signature: AddLabelsToDocumentVectors.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Input: Labeles (Array of Strings) (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Output: Dataset
Widget: Extract Labels¶
Automatically generated widget from function ExtractDatasetLabels in package latino. The original function signature: ExtractDatasetLabels.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Labels (Array of Strings)
Widget: Remove Labels¶
Automatically generated widget from function RemoveDocumentVectorsLabels in package latino. The original function signature: RemoveDocumentVectorsLabels.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Dataset
Widget: Split¶
Automatically generated widget from function DatasetSplitSimple in package latino. The original function signature: DatasetSplitSimple.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Parameter: Percentage (System.Double)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Random Seed (-1 for random (time dependet) random seed)
- Default value: -1
- Output: Dataset with Extracted Set
- Output: Dataset of Remaining Sets
Widget: Split to Predefined Sets¶
Automatically generated widget from function DatasetSplitPredefined in package latino. The original function signature: DatasetSplitPredefined.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Input: Sets (List with predefined set numbers) (System.Int32[])
- Input: SetId (System.Int32)
- Output: Dataset with Extracted Set
- Output: Dataset of Remaining Sets
Widget: Dataset to Object¶
Automatically generated widget from function DatasetToObject in package latino. The original function signature: DatasetToObject.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Standard Object Representataion of Dataset (List<Tuple<int,string,Dictionary<int,double>>> explained as: (List of Examples)<(Example Tuple)<(Id) int,(Label) string,(BOW Dictionary)<(Word Id) int,(Word Weight) double>>>)
Widget: Object to Dataset¶
Automatically generated widget from function ObjectToDataset in package latino. The original function signature: ObjectToDataset.
- Input: Standard Object Representataion of Dataset (List<Tuple<int,string,Dictionary<int,double>>> explained as: (List of Examples)<(Example Tuple)<(Id) int,(Label) string,(BOW Dictionary)<(Word Id) int,(Word Weight) double>>>)
- Output: Dataset
Widget: Add Labels¶
Automatically generated widget from function AddLabelsToDocumentVectors in package latino. The original function signature: AddLabelsToDocumentVectors.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Input: Labeles (Array of Strings) (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Output: Dataset
Category Stop Words¶
Category Latino¶
Category Advanced¶
Widget: Stop Word Tagger Hub (Text)¶
Automatically generated widget from function TagStringStopwords in package latino. The original function signature: TagStringStopwords.
- Input: Text (System.Object)
- Input: Token Tagger (string or array of strings)
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stopword
- Output: String (string or array of strings (based on the input))
Widget: Stop Word Sets¶
Automatically generated widget from function GetStopWords in package latino. The original function signature: GetStopWords.
- Parameter: Language (Latino.TextMining.Language)
- Possible values:
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Slovene
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Default value: English
- Possible values:
- Output: StopWords
- Example usage: Simple Document Preprocessing
Widget: Stop Word Tagger¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructStopWordsTagger in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructStopWordsTagger.
- Input: Stopwords (List of stopwords)
- Parameter: Ignore Case (If true than words are marked stopword regardless of their casing.)
- Default value: true
- Output: Stop Word Tagger
Widget: Stop Word Tagger Hub¶
Automatically generated widget from function TagADCStopwords in package latino. The original function signature: TagADCStopwords.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (LatinoInterfaces.DocumentCorpus)
- Input: Token Tagger (System.Object)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (System.String)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (System.String)
- Default value: stopword
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus
Category Nltk¶
Widget: Stop Word Tagger¶
Constructs a python stop word tagger object.
- Input: Stop Words (A list or string (stop words separated by new lines) of stop words.)
- Parameter: Ignore Case (If true than words are marked as stop word regardless of their casing.)
- Default value: true
- Output: Stop Word Tagger (A python dictionary containing the StopWordTagger object and its arguments.)
- Example usage: Simple Document Preprocessing
Widget: Stop Word Tagger Hub¶
Apply the stop_word_tagger object on the Annotated Document Corpus (adc):
- first select only annotations of type Token Annotation element_annotation,
- apply the stop_word tagger
- create new annotations output_feature with the outputs of the stop word tagger.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Stop Word Tagger (A python dictionary containing the stop word tagger object and its arguments.)
- Parameter: Token Annotation (Which annotated part of document to be searched for stopwords.)
- Default value: Token
- Parameter: Output Feature Name (How to annotate the newly discovered stop word features.)
- Default value: StopWord
- Output: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Category Similarity Matrix¶
Category Latino¶
Widget: Calculate Similarity Matrix¶
Automatically generated widget from function CalculateSimilarityMatrix in package latino. The original function signature: CalculateSimilarityMatrix.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.IUnlabeledExampleCollection`1[[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.IUnlabeledExampleCollection`1[[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Parameter: Similarity Threshold (System.Double)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Full Matrix (not only Lower Triangular) (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Similarity Matrix
Widget: Convert Matrix to Table¶
Automatically generated widget from function SparseMatrixToTable in package latino. The original function signature: SparseMatrixToTable.
- Input: Sparse Matrix (Latino.SparseMatrix`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Output: Matrix Table
Widget: Calculate Similarity Matrix¶
Automatically generated widget from function CalculateSimilarityMatrix in package latino. The original function signature: CalculateSimilarityMatrix.
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.IUnlabeledExampleCollection`1[[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.IUnlabeledExampleCollection`1[[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Parameter: Similarity Threshold (System.Double)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Full Matrix (not only Lower Triangular) (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Similarity Matrix
Category Clustering¶
Category Latino¶
Widget: KMeans Clusterer¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructKMeansClusterer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructKMeansClusterer.
- Parameter: K (Number of Clusteres) (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Centroid Type (Latino.Model.CentroidType)
- Possible values:
- Avg
- Nrm L2
- Sum
- Default value: NrmL2
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Similarity Measure (LatinoInterfaces.SimilarityModel)
- Possible values:
- Cosine
- Dot Product
- Default value: Cosine
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Random Seed (-1: Use Always Different) (System.Int32)
- Default value: -1
- Parameter: Eps (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.0005
- Parameter: Trials (Num of Initializations) (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Output: Clusterer
Widget: KMeans Fast Clusterer¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructKMeansFastClusterer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructKMeansFastClusterer.
- Parameter: K (Number of Clusteres) (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Random Seed (-1: Use Always Different) (System.Int32)
- Default value: -1
- Parameter: Eps (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.0005
- Parameter: Trials (Num of Initializations) (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Output: Clusterer
Widget: Hierarchical Bisecting Clusterer¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructHierarchicalBisectingClusterer in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructHierarchicalBisectingClusterer.
- Parameter: Min Quality (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.2
- Output: Clusterer
Widget: Clustering Results Info¶
Automatically generated widget from function ClusteringResultsInfo in package latino. The original function signature: ClusteringResultsInfo.
- Input: Clustering Results (Latino.Model.ClusteringResult)
- Output: Document Labels (Array of Clusteres Ids)
- Output: Clusters Tree
Widget: View Clusters¶
Automatically generated widget from function ViewClusters_PYTHON in package latino. The original function signature: ViewClusters_PYTHON.
- Input: Clustering Results (System.Object)
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Category Scikit¶
Widget: k-Means¶
The KMeans algorithm clusters data by trying to separate samples in n groups of equal variance, minimizing a criterion known as the inertia <inertia> or within-cluster sum-of-squares. This algorithm requires the number of clusters to be specified. It scales well to large number of samples and has been used across a large range of application areas in many different fields.
- Parameter: Number of clusters (The number of clusters to form as well as the number of centroids to generate.)
- Default value: 8
- Parameter: Max iterations (Maximum number of iterations of the k-means algorithm for a single run.)
- Default value: 300
- Parameter: Tolerance (Relative tolerance with regards to inertia to declare convergence.)
- Default value: 1e-4
- Output: Clustering
Widget: Clustering Hub¶
Automatically generated widget from function ClusterDocumentVectors in package latino. The original function signature: ClusterDocumentVectors.
- Input: Clusterer (LatinoClowdFlows.IClusterer)
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.IUnlabeledExampleCollection`1[[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Clustering Results
Category Classification¶
Category Latino¶
Widget: Nearest Centroid Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructCentroidClassifier in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructCentroidClassifier.
- Parameter: Similarity Model (LatinoInterfaces.SimilarityModel)
- Possible values:
- Cosine
- Dot Product
- Default value: Cosine
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Normalize Centorids (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Output: Centroid Classifier
- Example usage: Classifier evaluation
Widget: Naive Bayes Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructNaiveBayesClassifier in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructNaiveBayesClassifier.
- Parameter: Normalize (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Log Sum Exp Trick (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: Classifier evaluation
Widget: SVM Binary Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructSvmBinaryClassifier in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructSvmBinaryClassifier.
- Parameter: C (zero implies default value ([avg. x*x]^-1))
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Biased Hyperplane (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Parameter: Kernel Type (Latino.Model.SvmLightKernelType)
- Possible values:
- Linear
- Polynomial
- Radial Basis Function
- Sigmoid
- Default value: Linear
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Kernel Parameter Gamma (System.Double)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Kernel Parameter D (System.Double)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Kernel Parameter S (System.Double)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Kernel Parameter C (System.Double)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Eps (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.001
- Parameter: Max Iterations (System.Int32)
- Default value: 100000
- Parameter: Custom Parameter String (System.String)
- Output: Classifier
Widget: SVM Multiclass Fast Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructSvmMulticlassFast in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructSvmMulticlassFast.
- Parameter: C (System.Double)
- Default value: 5000
- Parameter: Eps (System.Double)
- Default value: 0.1
- Output: Classifier
Widget: Majority Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructMajorityClassifier in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructMajorityClassifier.
- Output: Classifier
Widget: Maximum Entropy Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructMaximumEntropyClassifier in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructMaximumEntropyClassifier.
- Parameter: Move Data (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Num of Iterations (System.Int32)
- Default value: 100
- Parameter: CutOff (System.Int32)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Num of Threads (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Normalize (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: Classifier evaluation
Widget: Maximum Entropy Fast Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructMaximumEntropyClassifierFast in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructMaximumEntropyClassifierFast.
- Parameter: Move Data (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Num of Iterations (System.Int32)
- Default value: 100
- Parameter: CutOff (System.Int32)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Num of Threads (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Parameter: Normalize (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Output: Classifier
Widget: Knn Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructKnnClassifier in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructKnnClassifier.
- Parameter: Similarity Model (LatinoInterfaces.SimilarityModel)
- Possible values:
- Cosine
- Dot Product
- Default value: Cosine
- Possible values:
- Parameter: K (Neighbourhood) (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Soft Voting (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Classifier
Widget: Knn Fast Classifier¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructKnnClassifierFast in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructKnnClassifierFast.
- Parameter: K (Neighbourhood) (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Soft Voting (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: Classifier evaluation
Widget: Accuracy Claculation¶
Automatically generated widget from function AccuracyClaculation in package latino. The original function signature: AccuracyClaculation.
- Input: True Labels (System.Collections.IList)
- Input: Predicted Labels (System.Collections.IList)
- Output: Accuracy
- Output: Statistics (Statistics:confusionMatrix: first level of confusion matrix dictionary present true labels (first input) while the second, inner layer, presents predicted labels (second output). Stataistics:additinalScores: dictionary’s id presents the label that was considered positive for calculation and dictionary’s value are actual additioanl scores.)
Widget: Cross Validation¶
Automatically generated widget from function CrossValidation in package latino. The original function signature: CrossValidation.
- Input: Classifier (Latino.Model.IModel`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Parameter: Num of Sets (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Assign Sets Randomly (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Parameter: Use Seed for Random (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Random Seed (System.Int32)
- Default value: 0
- Output: Data Object with results
Widget: Cross Validation (Predefined Splits)¶
Automatically generated widget from function CrossValidationPredefSplits in package latino. The original function signature: CrossValidationPredefSplits.
- Input: Classifier (Latino.Model.IModel`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Input: Sets (List with predefined set numbers) (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Output: Data Object with results
Widget: Multiple Splits Validation¶
Automatically generated widget from function CrossValidationPredefMultiSplits in package latino. The original function signature: CrossValidationPredefMultiSplits.
- Input: Classifier (Latino.Model.IModel`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Input: Multiple Set Indexes (Dictionary with multiple predefined split element indexes. {“train0”:[1,2,3],”test0”:[4,5],”train1”:[2,3,4],”test1”:[5,6]})
- Output: Data Object with results
Widget: Predict Classification¶
Automatically generated widget from function PredictClassification in package latino. The original function signature: PredictClassification.
- Input: Classifier (Latino.Model.IModel`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Prediction(s)
- Output: Labeled dataset
Widget: Prediction Info¶
Automatically generated widget from function PredictionInfo in package latino. The original function signature: PredictionInfo.
- Input: Prediction(s) (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Latino.Model.Prediction`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Lable(s) (Array of Strings)
- Output: Prediction Info(s)
Widget: View Classifications¶
Automatically generated widget from function ViewClasssifications_PYTHON in package latino. The original function signature: ViewClasssifications_PYTHON.
- Input: Prediction(s) (System.Object)
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Category Nltk¶
Widget: Naive Bayes Classifier¶
A classifier based on the Naive Bayes algorithm. In order to find the probability for a label, this algorithm first uses the Bayes rule to express P(label|features) in terms of P(label) and P(features|label):
The algorithm then makes the ‘naive’ assumption that all features are independent, given the label:
Rather than computing P(featues) explicitly, the algorithm just calculates the denominator for each label, and normalizes them so they sum to one:
- Parameter: Normalize (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Log Sum Exp Trick (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Output: Classifier
Category Scikit¶
Widget: Decision Tree Classifier¶
A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility.
- Parameter: Max features (The number of features to consider when looking for the best split:
If int, then consider max_features features at each split.
If float, then max_features is a percentage and int(max_features * n_features) features are considered at each split.
If “auto”, then max_features=sqrt(n_features).
If “sqrt”, then max_features=sqrt(n_features).
If “log2”, then max_features=log2(n_features).
If None, then max_features=n_features.)
- Default value: auto
- Parameter: Max depth (The maximum depth of the tree. If None, then nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less than min_samples_split samples. )
- Default value: 100
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Widget: Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier¶
Gaussian Naive Bayes. When dealing with continuous data, a typical assumption is that the continuous values associated with each class are distributed according to a Gaussian distribution.
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: Classifier evaluation
Widget: k-Nearest Neighbours Classifier¶
Classifier implementing the k-nearest neighbors vote.
- Parameter: Number of neighbors (Number of neighbors to use by default for k_neighbors queries.)
- Default value: 5
- Parameter: Algorithm (Algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors:
‘ball_tree’ will use BallTree
‘kd_tree’ will use KDTree
‘brute’ will use a brute-force search.
‘auto’ will attempt to decide the most appropriate algorithm based on the values passed to fit method.
Note: fitting on sparse input will override the setting of this parameter, using brute force.)
- Possible values:
- ball tree
- brute
- kd tree
- most appropriate (automatically)
- Default value: auto
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Weights (weight function used in prediction. Possible values:
‘uniform’ : uniform weights. All points in each neighborhood are weighted equally.
‘distance’ : weight points by the inverse of their distance. in this case, closer neighbors of a query point will have a greater influence than neighbors which are further away.
[callable] : a user-defined function which accepts an array of distances, and returns an array of the same shape containing the weights.
Uniform weights are used by default.)
- Possible values:
- distance
- uniform
- Default value: uniform
- Possible values:
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: Classifier evaluation
Widget: Logistic regression Classifier¶
Logistic regression, despite its name, is a linear model for classification rather than regression. Logistic regression is also known in the literature as logit regression, maximum-entropy classification (MaxEnt) or the log-linear classifier. In this model, the probabilities describing the possible outcomes of a single trial are modeled using a logistic function.
- Parameter: Penalty (Used to specify the norm used in the penalization.)
- Possible values:
- l1
- l2
- Default value: l1
- Possible values:
- Parameter: C (Inverse of regularization strength; must be a positive float. Like in support vector machines, smaller values specify stronger regularization.)
- Default value: 1.0
- Output: Classifier
Widget: Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier¶
The multinomial Naive Bayes classifier is suitable for classification with discrete features (e.g., word counts for text classification). The multinomial distribution normally requires integer feature counts. However, in practice, fractional counts such as tf-idf may also work.
- Parameter: Alpha (Additive (Laplace/Lidstone) smoothing parameter (0 for no smoothing). )
- Default value: 1.0
- Parameter: Fit prior (Whether to learn class prior probabilities or not.
- If false, a uniform prior will be used.)
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: Outlier document detection
Widget: SVM Classifier¶
Implementation of Support Vector Machine classifier using libsvm: the kernel can be non-linear but its SMO algorithm does not scale to large number of samples as LinearSVC does. Furthermore SVC multi-class mode is implemented using one vs one scheme while LinearSVC uses one vs the rest.
- Parameter: C (Penalty parameter C of the error term.)
- Default value: 1.0
- Parameter: Degree (Degree of the polynomial kernel function (‘poly’). Ignored by all other kernels.)
- Default value: 3
- Parameter: Kernel (Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of ‘linear’, ‘poly’, ‘rbf’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘precomputed’ or a callable. If none is given, ‘rbf’ will be used. If a callable is given it is used to precompute the kernel matrix.)
- Possible values:
- linear
- poly
- precomputed
- rbf
- sigmoid
- Default value: rbf
- Possible values:
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 1
Widget: SVM Linear Classifier¶
Similar to Support Vector Classification with parameter kernel=’linear’, but implemented in terms of liblinear rather than libsvm, so it has more flexibility in the choice of penalties and loss functions and should scale better (to large numbers of samples).
- Parameter: C (Penalty parameter C of the error term.)
- Default value: 1.0
- Parameter: Loss (Specifies the loss function. ‘l1’ is the hinge loss (standard SVM) while ‘l2’ is the squared hinge loss.)
- Possible values:
- l1
- l2
- Default value: l2
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Penalty (Specifies the norm used in the penalization. The ‘l2’ penalty is the standard used in SVC. The ‘l1’ leads to coef_ vectors that are sparse.)
- Possible values:
- l1
- l2
- Default value: l2
- Possible values:
- Parameter: Multi class (Determines the multi-class strategy if y contains more than two classes. ovr trains n_classes one-vs-rest classifiers, while crammer_singer optimizes a joint objective over all classes. While crammer_singer is interesting from an theoretical perspective as it is consistent it is seldom used in practice and rarely leads to better accuracy and is more expensive to compute. If crammer_singer is choosen, the options loss, penalty and dual will be ignored.)
- Possible values:
- crammer singer
- ovr
- Default value: ovr
- Possible values:
- Output: Classifier
- Example usage: Classifier evaluation
Widget: Apply Classifier Hub¶
- Input: Classifier (Latino.Model.IModel`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Parameter: Calculate class probabilities (Calculate classification class probabilities. May slow down algorithm prediction.)
- Default value: true
- Output: Prediction(s)
- Output: Labeled dataset
Widget: Train Classifier Hub¶
Automatically generated widget from function TrainClassifier in package latino. The original function signature: TrainClassifier.
- Input: Classifier (Latino.Model.IModel`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Input: Dataset (Latino.Model.LabeledDataset`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Latino.SparseVector`1[[System.Double, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Latino, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])
- Output: Classifier
Widget: Extract Classifier Name¶
Returns a string with pretty classifier name.
- Input: Classifier
- Output: Classifier Name
Widget: Extract Actual and Predicted Values¶
Takes as an input a ADC object with already defined actual and predicted features that can be compared. Outputs a combined list of actual and predicted values which can be used e.g. by the Classification Statistics widget.
- Input: Predictions (Classification Predictions)
- Input: Dataset (BoW Dataset)
- Output: Actual and Predicted Values (List of Actual and Predicted Values)
Category Lexicology¶
Category Literature Based Discovery¶
Category Heuristic Calculation¶
Widget: Exclude Terms that Appear in One Domain Only¶
- Input: Bag of Words Model Constructor (Bag of Words Model Constructor )
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Output: Bag of Words Model Constructor with Filtered Vocabulary (Bag of Words Model Constructor (BowModelConstructor) gathers utilities to build feature vectors from annotated document corpus.)
- Output: BOW Model Dataset (Sparse BOW feature vectors.)
Widget: Calculate Term Heuristics Scores¶
Calculate all input heuristics.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Bag of Words Model (Bag of Words Model Constructor (BowModelConstructor) gathers utilities to build feature vectors from annotated document corpus.)
- Input: Heuristic or Heuristic list (List of heuristic names which scores will be calculated.)
- Output: Heuristic Scores (Calculated B-Term Heuristic Scores)
- Example usage: Literature Based Discovery (overview with vocab)
Widget: Actual and Predicted Values¶
Prepare actual and predicted values for B-term Heuristics.
- Input: Bag of Words Model Constructor (Bag of Words Model Constructor (BowModelConstructor) gathers utilities to build feature vectors from annotated document corpus.)
- Input: B-terms (List of bridging terms)
- Input: Heuristic Scores (Calculated B-Term Heuristic Scores)
- Output: Actual and Predicted Values (List of actual and predicted values for every B-term Discovery Heuristic)
Category Heuristic Specification¶
Widget: Frequency-based heuristics¶
Interactive widget which allows specification of of frquency-based bridging term discovery heuristics.
- Output: List of Selected Heuristics for Bringing Term Discovery
- Example usage: Literature Based Discovery (overview)
Widget: TF-IDF-based heuristics¶
Interactive widget which allows specification of TF-IDF based bridging term discovery heuristics.
- Output: List of Selected Heuristics for Bringing Term Discovery
- Example usage: Literature Based Discovery (overview)
Widget: Similarity-based heuristics¶
Interactive widget which allows specification of similarity-based bridging term discovery heuristics.
- Output: List of Selected Heuristics for Bringing Term Discovery
Widget: Outlier-based heuristics¶
Interactive widget which allows specification of outlier-based bridging term discovery heuristics.
- Output: List of Selected Heuristics for Bringing Term Discovery
- Example usage: Literature Based Discovery (overview)
Widget: Banded matrix-based heuristics¶
Interactive widget which allows specification of bridging term discovery heuristics based on banded matrices.
- Output: List of Selected Heuristics for Bringing Term Discovery
Widget: Outlier-based heuristic¶
Interactive widget which allows specification of a custom outlier-based bridging term discovery heuristics by using the classifiers from the input.
- Input: Classifier
- Output: List of Selected Heuristics for Bringing Term Discovery
Widget: Heuristic Maximum¶
Defines a calculated heuristic that is the maximum (for every term) of the input heuristics.
- Input: Heuristic or Heuristic list
- Output: Heuristic Max Specification (Heuristic Maximum Specification)
Widget: Heuristic Minimum¶
Defines a calculated heuristic that is the minimum (for every term) of the input heuristics.
- Input: Heuristic or Heuristic list
- Output: Heuristic Min Specification (Heuristic Minimum Specification)
Widget: Heuristic Normalization¶
Defines calculated heuristics where scores are scaled to [0,1] values using the minimum and maximum scores.
- Input: Heuristic or Heuristic list
- Output: Normalized Heuristic or Heuristic Specifications list (Normalized Heuristic Specification or Heuristic Specifications list)
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Widget: Heuristic Sum¶
Defines a calculated heuristic that is the summation of the input heuristics.
- Input: Heuristic or Heuristic list
- Output: Heuristic Sum Specification (Heuristic Summation Specification)
- Example usage: Literature Based Discovery (overview)
Widget: Ensemble Average Position¶
The Ensemble Average Position score is calculated as an average of position scores of individual base heuristics.
- Input: Heuristic or Heuristic list
- Output: Ensemble Average Position Specification
- Example usage: Literature Based Discovery (overview)
Widget: Ensemble Heuristic Vote¶
Every term get an integer score, which represents how many of input heuristics voted for the term. Each input heuristic gives one vote to each term which is in the first third in its ranked list of terms.
- Input: Heuristic or Heuristic list
- Output: Ensemble Heuristic Vote Specification
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Category Term ranking and Exploration¶
Widget: Explore in CrossBee¶
Explore heuristic scores and terms in CrossBee.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Input: Bag of Words Model Constructor (Bag of Words Model Constructor )
- Input: BOW Model Dataset (Sparse BOW feature vectors)
- Input: B-terms (List of bridging terms)
- Input: Heuristic Scores (Calculated B-term)
- Parameter: CrossBee API URL (URL to the CrossBee API for exploring external data. Data to be displayed in CrossBee will be available at TextFlows’ URL. This URL will be send to CrossBee API via replacing “{dataurl.json}” string in the supplied Crossbe API URL.)
- Default value:
- Parameter: Primary Heuristic Index (Index of the primary heuristics to be analized as ensamble)
- Default value: 0
- Output: Serialized Annotated Document Corpus (Serialized Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Output: Vocabulary
- Output: Heuristic Scores (Calculated B-Term Heuristic Scores)
- Output: B-terms (List of bridging terms)
- Output: Serialized BOW Model Dataset (Serialized sparse BOW feature vectors)
- Output: Primary Heuristic Index (Index of the primary heuristics to be analized as ensamble)
- Example usage: LBD workflows for outlier detection
Category Helpers¶
Category Tagging¶
Widget: Condition Tagger¶
Automatically generated widget from function ConstructConditionTagger in package latino. The original function signature: ConstructConditionTagger.
- Parameter: Feature Condition (Condition which tokens to include based on their features. Format examples: -Feature1 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set ta any value) -Feature1=Value1 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set to the value Value1) -Feature1 +Feature2 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set unless it has also Feature2 set) -Feature1=Value1 +Feature2 (don’t include tokens with Feature1 set to Value1 unless it has also Feature2 set to any value)...)
- Parameter: output Feature Value (System.String)
- Default value: true
- Parameter: Put token/feature text as the output feature value (If set to true than token or token’s feature text is asigned as output feature value)
- Output: Tagger
Widget: Advanced Object Viewer¶
Displays any input.
- Input: Object (Any type of object.)
- Parameter: Attribute (The depth of the object display)
- Parameter: Maximum Output Length (System.Int32)
- Default value: 5000
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: Random Cross Validation Sets¶
Automatically generated widget from function RandomCrossValidationSets in package latino. The original function signature: RandomCrossValidationSets.
- Input: Example List (Not required, but if set, then it overrides parameter ‘numOfExamples’ and len(examples) is used for ‘numOfExamples’. This should be a type implementing Count, Count() or Length.)
- Parameter: Num of Examples (This determines the length of the set id list. If input ‘examples’ is set then len(examples) is used for ‘numOfExamples’ and this setting is overriden.)
- Default value: 100
- Parameter: Num of Sets (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Assign Sets Randomly (System.Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Parameter: Use Seed for Random (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Random Seed (System.Int32)
- Default value: 0
- Output: Example SetIds List
Widget: Random Sequential Validation Sets¶
Automatically generated widget from function RandomSequentialValidationSets in package latino. The original function signature: RandomSequentialValidationSets.
- Input: Example List (Not required, but if set, then it overrides parameter ‘numOfExamples’ and len(examples) is used for ‘numOfExamples’. This should be a type implementing Count, Count() or Length.)
- Parameter: Num of Examples (This determines the length of the set id list. If input ‘examples’ is set then len(examples) is used for ‘numOfExamples’ and this setting is overriden.)
- Default value: 100
- Parameter: Num of Sets (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Assign Sets Randomly (If not set then sets are exactly evenly distributet across the whole dataset.)
- Default value: true
- Parameter: Use Seed for Random (System.Boolean)
- Default value: false
- Parameter: Random Seed (System.Int32)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Size of Train Set (May be specified as absolute number or number foloweed by ‘%’ to denote the percentage of the whole dataset.)
- Default value: 40%
- Parameter: Size of Test Set (May be specified as absolute number or number foloweed by ‘%’ to denote the percentage of the whole dataset.)
- Default value: 10%
- Parameter: Size of Space Between Train and Test Set (May be specified as absolute number or number foloweed by ‘%’ to denote the percentage of the whole dataset.)
- Default value: 1%
- Output: Multiple Set Indexes
Widget: Advanced Object to String Converter¶
Displays any input.
- Input: Object (Any type of object.)
- Parameter: Attribute (The attribute of the object to display)
- Parameter: Maximum Output Length (System.Int32)
- Default value: 500000
- Output: Object String Representation
Widget: C#.NET Snippet¶
Runs c#.NET snippet. You can use variable which is provided on the input by the name “in1” .. “inN”. Whatever you want to otput needs to be asigned to the variable “out1” before the code is terminated
- Input: Snippet Input Parameter(s) (input can be accesed as variable “in1” .. “inN” inside the code)
- Parameter: C# Snippet Code (Input can be accesed as variable “in1” .. “inN” inside the code and output can be accesed/assigned as variable “out1” inside the code.)
- Default value: // This is the C#.NET Code Snippet where you can modify the data.
// Varaible “in1” .. “inN” contains whatever you connected to the input port // Input variables are correctly typed. // Whatever is assigned to the variable “out1” will be transfered to the output port. out1 = in1; * Parameter: Namespace Section (using directives) (System.String)
- Default value: using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Latino; using Latino.TextMining; using LatinoInterfaces; * Parameter: Additional References (imports) (System.String)
- Default value: System.dll
System.Xml.dll System.Core.dll workflowstextflows_dot_netbinLatino.dll workflowstextflows_dot_netbinLatinoWorkflows.dll workflowstextflows_dot_netbinLatinoInterfaces.dll * Output: out (output can be accesed/assigned as variable “out1” inside the code) * Output: Console Output * Output: Possible compile/runtime errors * Output: Generated Code
Widget: Display Table¶
Automatically generated widget from function ShowTable_PYTHON in package latino. The original function signature: ShowTable_PYTHON.
- Input: Table (System.Object)
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: Get Multi Set Indexes¶
Generates multiple set indexes from a list of predefined set numbers. See widgets “Cross Validation (Predefined Splits)” and “Multiple Splits Validation”
- Input: Sets (List with predefined set numbers) (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
- Output: Multiple Set Indexes
Widget: Flatten String Hierarchy¶
Automatically generated widget from function FlattenObjectToStringArray in package latino. The original function signature: FlattenObjectToStringArray.
- Input: data (System.Object)
- Output: flatData
Widget: Generate Integer Range¶
Automatically generated widget from function GenerateIntegerRange in package latino. The original function signature: GenerateIntegerRange.
- Parameter: Start (System.Int32)
- Default value: 0
- Parameter: Stop (System.Int32)
- Default value: 10
- Parameter: Step (System.Int32)
- Default value: 1
- Output: Range
Widget: Python Snippet¶
Runs python snippet. You can use variable which is provided on the input by the name “in1” .. “inN”. Whatever you want to otput needs to be asigned to the variable “out1” before the code is terminated
- Input: in (input can be accesed as variable “in1” .. “inN” inside the code)
- Parameter: Python Snippet Code (Input can be accesed as variable “in1” .. “inN” inside the code and output can be accesed/assigned as variable “out1” inside the code.)
- Default value: # This is the Python Code Snippet where you can modify the data however is needed.
# Varaible “in1” .. “inN” contains whatever you connected to the input port # Whatever is assigned to the variable “out1” will be transfered to the output port.
out1 = in1 * Output: out (output can be accesed/assigned as variable “out1” inside the code)
Widget: Split Object¶
Automatically generated widget from function SplitObject_PYTHON in package latino. The original function signature: SplitObject_PYTHON.
- Input: object (System.Object)
- Parameter: Object Modifier (if one wants to extract object’s attributes, leading dot should be used.)
- Output: object
Category Noise Handling¶
Category Noise Filters¶
Widget: Classification Filter¶
A widget which uses a classifier as a tool for detecting noisy instances in data.
- Input: Learner
- Input: Dataset
- Parameter: Timeout
- Default value: 300
- Parameter: Number of Folds for Cross-Validation
- Possible values:
- 10
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Default value: 10
- Possible values:
- Output: Noise instances
- Example usage: Outlier document detection
Widget: Matrix Factorization Filter¶
- Input: Dataset
- Parameter: Threshold
- Default value: 10
- Output: Noise instances
Widget: Saturation Filter¶
Widget implementing a saturation filter used to eliminate noisy training examples from labeled data. Reference:
- Input: Dataset
- Parameter: Type of Saturation Filtering
- Possible values:
- Normal
- Pre-pruned
- Default value: normal
- Possible values:
- Output: Noise instances
Widget: HARF¶
High Agreement Random Forest
- Parameter: Agreement Level
- Possible values:
- 60
- 70
- 80
- 90
- Default value: 70
- Possible values:
- Output: HARF Classifier
Widget: NoiseRank¶
Widget implementing an ensemble-based noise ranking methodology for explicit noise and outlier identification. Reference:
- Input: Dataset
- Input: Noisy Instances
- Output: All Noise
- Output: Selected Instances
- Output: Selected Indices
- Example usage: Outlier document detection
Category Performance Evaluation¶
Widget: Aggregate Detection Results¶
Aggregates results of the detection of noisy instances in data
- Input: Positive Indices
- Input: Detected Instances
- Output: Aggregated Detection Results
Widget: Classification statistics¶
Calculates various classification statistics from true and predicted labels. Labels can be provided in two ways:
- [y_true, y_predicted]
or for folds:
- [[y_true_1, y_predicted_1], [y_true_2, y_predicted_2], ...]
- Input: True and predicted labels (List of true and predicted labels (see help for details))
- Output: Classification accuracy
- Output: Precision
- Output: Recall
- Output: F1 (F1 measure)
- Output: AUC
- Output: Confusion matrix
- Example usage: COMTRADE demo
Widget: Evaluate Detection Algorithms¶
- Input: Noisy Instances
- Input: Detected Noise
- Parameter: Beta parameter for F-mesure
- Default value: 1
- Output: Noise Detection Performance
Widget: Evaluate Repeated Detection¶
- Input: Algorithm Performances
- Parameter: F-measure Beta-parameter
- Default value: 1
- Output: Performance Results
Widget: Evaluation Results to 2d Table¶
Table that can be used in workflows with nested loops. You can define names on x and y axis. You can also choose the evaluation metrics that you want to show from a dropdown menu.
- Input: Evaluation Results
- Parameter: Evaluation metric (Choose the evaluation measurement you would like to show in the table.)
- Possible values:
- accuracy
- auc
- fscore
- precision
- recall
- Default value: accuracy
- Possible values:
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
- Example usage: POS tagger intrinsic evaluation - experiment 5
Widget: Evaluation Results to Table¶
- Input: Evaluation Results
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: Performance Chart¶
- Input: Evaluation Results
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: VIPER: Visual Performance Evaluation¶
VIPER: performance evaluation in the Precision-Recall (PR) space. An interactive widget showing the PR plot , which can also be saved as an image or printed.
- Input: Algorithm Performance
- Parameter: eps-proximity evaluation parameter [%]
- Possible values:
- 1
- 10
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Do not use eps-proximity evaluation
- Default value: 0.05
- Possible values:
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
- Example usage: POS tagging classification evaluation (copy)
Widget: Extract Actual and Predicted features¶
Takes as an input an ADC object with predicted features and an ADC object with actual features(golden standard). Output is a list containing a list of predicted features and a list contained actual features.
- Input: Annotated Document Corpus (Annotated Document Corpus (workflows.textflows.DocumentCorpus))
- Parameter: Predicted annotation (System.String)
- Default value: POS tag
- Parameter: Actual annotation (System.String)
- Default value: POS tag
- Parameter: Lowercase (Convert features to lowercase)
- Default value: False
- Output: Actual and Predicted Values (List of Actual and Predicted Values)
Category Visual performance evaluation (ViperCharts)¶
Category Column charts¶
Widget: Column chart¶
Standard graphical presentation of algorithm performance. Also referred to as a bar chart. Visualizes the values of one or more performance measures of the evaluated algorithms.
- Input: Performance results
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Category Curve charts¶
Widget: Lift curves¶
The Lift curve widget plots the true positive rate (also found in ROC and PR curves) against the predicted positive rate (the fraction of examples, classified as positive). Each point represents the classifier performance for a given threshold or ranking cut-off point.
- Input: Performance results
- Parameter: Chart title
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: ROC curves¶
A widget which illustrates the trade off between the true positive rate and the true negative rate of a classifier. Each point represents the classifier performance for a given threshold or ranking cut-off point.
- Input: Performance results
- Parameter: Chart title
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: ROC hull curves¶
The ROC Hull chart widget plots the upper convex hull of the ROC chart. Each point represents the classifier performance for a given threshold or ranking cut-off point. Points on the ROC Hull represent an optimal performance of the classifier for certain misclassification costs.
- Input: Performance results
- Parameter: Chart title
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: PR curves¶
A widget which provides the PR (precision recall) curve. It presents the trade off between the precision (the fraction of examples classified as positive that are truly positive) and the recall or true positive rate. Each point represents the classifier performance for a given threshold or ranking cut-off point.
- Input: Performance results
- Parameter: Chart title
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: Cost curves¶
The Cost curve widget plots the normalized expected cost of the classifier as a function of the skew (fraction of positive examples multiplied by the cost of misclassifying a positive example) of the data on which it is deployed. Lines and points on the cost curve correspond to points and lines on the ROC curve of the classifier.
- Input: Performance results
- Parameter: Chart title
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: Kendall curves¶
The Kendall chart widget presents the difference between the normalized expected cost of the classifier and the normalized expected cost of an ideal classifier. Costs for both classifiers are calculated using the rate-driven threshold choice method.
- Input: Performance results
- Parameter: Chart title
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: Rate driven curves¶
The Rate-Driven chart widget plots the expected loss for the classifier as a function of the skew (fraction of positive examples multiplied by the cost of misclassifying a positive example) of the data on which it is deployed. The cost is calculated using the rate-driven threshold choice method.
- Input: Performance results
- Parameter: Chart title
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Category Scatter charts¶
Widget: ROC space¶
Scatter chart - ROC space. Provides an easy and intuitive visual performance evaluation in terms of Recall, Precision and F-measure. By introducing the F-isolines into the precision-recall space the 2-dimensional graphic representation reveals information about an additional, third evaluation measure.
- Input: Performance results
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results
Widget: PR space¶
Scatter chart - Precision-Recall space. Provides an easy and intuitive visual performance evaluation in terms of Recall, Precision and F-measure. By introducing the F-isolines into the precision-recall space the 2-dimensional graphic representation reveals information about an additional, third evaluation measure.
- Input: Performance results
- Outputs: Popup window which shows widget’s results